Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman (Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman ) All India government jobs 2025-2023 Have invited applications for the position of 215 Technical and Tradesman Vacancy. Willing And Interested Candidates can do all the Apply Online Before 22/02/2025 (22/January/2025). Candidates should pass the following eligibility criteria qualifications, upper age limit, and experience. Eligibility candidates should follow the procedure as prescribed by Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman (Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman ) Vacancy 2025 – 215 Technical and Tradesman Is used to refer to the Jobb Vacancy.
Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman (Assam Rifles Technical and Tradesman. Jobs Notification Daily Updates 2025-2023 –
All State. Jobs Jobs in India
Total Recruitment –215 Vacancies
Recruitment Post Name –
1.Sa fai 070
2. Religious Teacher RT 03
3 . Radio Mechanic RM 17
4. Lineman LNM Field 08
5 . Engineer Equipment Mechanic 04
6. Engineer Equipment Mechanic 17
7 . Recovery Vehicle Mechanic 0 2
8.Upholster 08
9.Vehicle Mechanic Fitter 20
10. Draughtsman 10
1 1.Electrical and Mechanical 17
1 2.Plumber 13
13.Operation Theatre Technician OTT 01
14 . Pharmacist 0XX-RayX Ray Assistant 10
16. Veterinary Field Assistant 07 Vacancies
Naukri Age Role – Candidates The age of the candidate should not be less than _ years and should not be more than _ years (For Vacancy no. / Vacancy Name).
The age of the candidate should not be Maximum _ Years(For Vacancy no. / Name).
The age of the candidate should not be less than _ Years(For Vacancy / Name).
Candidates’ age relaxation of th. Norms of the Vacancy.
Education Criteria – Candidates Must Pass Class 10th Matric with Diploma in Radio and Television Technology OR Electronics OR Telecommunication OR Computer OR Electrical OR Mechanical Engineering OR Domestric Appliances OR 10+2 Intermediate with PCM Subjects.
Or its equivalent Education from a recognized State Board / Central Board / National university.
Hiring Process – Candidates will Be Selected by: Written, Interview.
Naukri Exam Fee
General / OBC / EWS: 100/-
SC / ST : 0/-
All Category Women : 0/-
Pay the Exam Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking Only.
Application procedure –candidates’ online application on the official website can be registered at ttp:// before
Candidates can Download the application form through the official website Application form completed should submit a hard copy
The address for the following application with relevant documents before
candidates are required to send the application form in the prescribed format along with relevant documents to the mentioned address before
in India Last Dates-–
Application Begin: 22/02/2025
Last Date for Apply Online 22/03/2025
Pay Exam Fee Last Date:22/03/2025
Rally Schedules prApril025
Admit Card Available Bfbeforexam 22/02/2025.